The Town of Whiteland is required by IDEM to implement a program to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff to the Town’s MS4 conveyances from construction sites disturbing one or more acres.  Any property owner, contractor, or developer whose project disturbs one or more acre or more, or is less than one acre but part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more of soil, is required to obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit.

Our Approach to Runoff Control

The MS4 Coordinator is an MS4 Compliance and Enforcement Certified Inspector and takes a very proactive approach ensuring runoff form construction sites is controlled properly.  The MS4 Coordinator conducts monthly construction site inspections, as well as inspections after every rain event that totals .5 inch or more.  After each inspection, the MS4 Coordinator provides a report to the builder or developer with a list of violations that need to be corrected in a certain time frame.  This allows the MS4 Coordinator to ensure proper erosion control practices are being followed to reduce sediment tracking, erosion, and other harmful practices that pollute our waterways.